TVA reports



TVA Reports & Modeller

The interactive drawdown modeller program we use forms an integral part of our TVA report as it allows advisers to show their clients:

  • An unlimited number of drawdown scenarios to compare with their scheme benefits and how different scenarios will affect the amount of cumulative income and death benefits they will ultimately receive.
  • How different providers, investment products and charging structures affect the results in both nominal and real terms.

You can generate as many reports as you like for your client, examining different Providers, products, charging structures and drawdown patterns. We provide TVA reports for financial advisors across the United Kingdom.

Order A Report








There is a monthly fee of £30 which covers the software licence cost for ongoing access to the TVA modeller. There is a minimum term of 6 months for the licence fees.

Once you have access to the modeller the fees below are then payable on a case by case basis:

  • CETV < £300K: £450
  • CETV £300-£500K: £550
  • CETV > £500K: £650

Alternatively, for a standalone TVA report without access to the modeller, the fee would be as follows:

  • CETV < £300K: £550
  • CETV £300-£500K: £650
  • CETV > £500K: £750



Optional extra services:

  • Planned Retirement Age/Date Comparison: £100 *
  • CETV Requests: £100
  • Updated CETV re-runs: £150
  • Fast Track Service: £200 **

* Planned Retirement Age/Date Comparison is £200 if ordered at a later date.

** The Fast Track Service is a 5 working day turnaround if the deferred benefit statement and CETV are provided.






Turnaround Times


We aim to return cases for TVA reports within 10 working days from receipt of all information required.

The majority of cases are returned within 10 working days after the report order request, however, this is dependent on the scheme, and if we require additional information to complete our report.


Payment Terms


An invoice for the TVA Report fee will issued to you after the report has been completed.

Payment terms are 30 days from date of Invoice.